Wildlife Heritage Foundation

The Kitten Trilogy Finale!

Over the last few weeks we brought you installments number one and number two of the Pallas' Cat kittens' progress at the Wildlife Heritage Foundation. Now seven weeks old, today we bring you the third installment in the trilogy in which the kittens venture out of their den in earnest and start exploring.

Pallas cat kittens wildlife heritage foundation 1

Pallas cat kittens wildlife heritage foundation 3

Pallas cat kittens wildlife heritage foundation 4

Enjoy many more videos below the fold!

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Feisty Pallas's Kittens at Wildlife Heritage Foundation

The UK's Wildlife Heritage Foundation announced the birth of four Pallas's Cat kittens on May 28th to proud parents Tula (F) and Wei Shand (M). Tula is doing a fabulous job of caring for all her new kittens and they are growing up very fast!  In the following videos the kittens can be seen at 5 days old and then 3 weeks old, which helps give you an idea of how quickly these kittens are developing. 



Note that what appears to be hissing in the second video is actually the kittens smelling the keepers when they come to check-in. The WHF explains that they are actually quite relaxed and this open-mouthed smelling behavior dissipates as they get older.

Pallas's cat kittens whs 1

UPDATE: Just got this new video in along with new instructions - #1) Avoid bright light #2) Don't get them wet and #3) NEVER feed them after midnight.

A "Tail" of Two Kitties

One month ago, Zooborns brought you two amur leopard babies born at the Wildlife Heritage Foundation...

Now, just three months old, "Argun" and "Anuy" are back... and this time... they've got fangs!





Adorable Amur Leopard Babies Part 2
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Special Thanks to Nick Jewell for risking life and limb to bring us these shots!

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Rare Amur Leopard Babies Born at Wildlife Heritage Foundation

Two baby Amur leopard cubs were born on October 12 at  Wildlife Heritage Foundation (WHF), a conservation charity based in Smarden, Kent, which supports rare and endangered big cats. It is estimated that less than forty of these magnificent creatures survive in the wild. The two are named after tributaries of the Amur River, "Argun" and "Anuy". Playful and curious like all kittens, the pair still rely on Mom for a good bath.




More pics and info below the fold. Thanks to Alan Kellogg for bringing these little guys to our attention.

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